Steel recycling

Steel is a very grateful recyclable material. It can be processed many times without losing its properties. The production of 1 ton of steel from scrap metal allows to significantly reduce the emission of air pollutants (reduction of carbon dioxide by approx. 80%), reduce electricity consumption (by approx. 86%), save approx. 40% of water and plenty of landfill space.


margo - Steel recycling
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Steel scrap includes damaged steel structures, depreciated machinery, used steel products from various industrial plants, railway, road and air transport companies, as well as from households and agriculture. Scrap is also production waste generated during the process of steel production and processing, coming from various workshops, steel mills, rolling mills, foundries or forges.


By producing steel from scrap and increasing the level of recycling, companies reduce the negative impact on the climate and the environment, reduce the carbon footprint and counteract global warming.

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